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Monday, January 11, 2010

My Nemesis

Sorry for the visual repetitiveness folks, but last night was leftovers. Here's the Tandoori Chicken and Roasted Eggplant Salad.

Today was hard, due to work constraints I didn't get lunch until about 2 at which point I had a few bites and didn't get to finish it until 5 at which point I had my snack too. The plan had been to save the snack until dinner with the girls (which I missed due to workness) but whatever. So after eating all that I was very hungry and had the snack again, not on the menu. Even after that I was stomach pain-y, headach-y, and overall grouchy and inconsolable. Not only did I go off the plan but I was still starving. We ended up eating dinner at 7:30, and I got halfway through it and was full. This was all especially distressing because this morning I weighed exactly the same amount as I did the day previous. First day without weight loss, fiance keeps pointing out that's better than gaining, does he think he's marrying an idiot, I know that! Sheesh.

So maybe being full was a small success for shrinking the appetite, but eating extra snack wasn't great. The main issue is that this will happen at work again. I think I just need to do a better job of making the time to eat. It's not the best situation to force the issue, but I could have done a better job of grabbing a few bites. At any rate, I probably came out about right calorie and fat wise.

Good news is it's pretty easy not to drink, and trust me today at work would have typically led to more than one glass. I guess it helps to have a greater cause than making up for your day. Although I did get a a puzzle to distract me from my melancholy. It was actually 4 puzzles for $4.99, not only was it a great deal, but Ryan bought it for me.

The Day's Menu

1/2 c Egg Whites and Mushrooms

Salad Nicoisse with Tuna-not a two days in a row kinda thing, which is unfortunate since you can't just buy the ingredients for one serving

Tandoori Chicken-better after marinating for 24 hours even though the recipe says 1-3
Roasted Eggplant Salad-better the first day

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