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Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Dear Junkies,

This morning was magical! I am in a new decade after 10 days of hovering .4-2 lbs over the new decade mark.

I got to see my new studio today. Everything is so nice and clean and organized! And it won't be too busy there at all, which will really help me stay on a healthier eating schedule. Plus we are right next to the store office and water fountains, so I will have quick/easy access to the fridge and microwave as well as water. So all of that is very nice as long as I don't get bored out of my skull.

I had a nice little treat today in the form of an after lunch dessert. I met with a DJ for the wedding at Starbucks and got a small non fat hot chocolate. Sure I could of had tea, but they use cheesy tea there, and what I really wanted what a hot chocolate. SO I had it and did not explode.

Today's Menu
Wave 2

2 pieces of whole wheat toast with two tbsps of PB-super duper yummy, ate at 8:30 and 11:15 I suddenly "give me food now crashed" I kinda suspected that would happen with all that bread

snack-FF plain yogurt (barf a licious) and 1 c strawberries (delicious)

Chicken Salad w spinach and pita-Chicken salad was good but i but up the apple to small, I got a new type of pitas this time and they were much less card boardy than last time's brand.

snack-2 Laughing Cow wedges and 1c of red pepper strips

Lentil Soup
Squash relish
spinach with sun dried tomatoes and vinaigrette
Herbed pork tenderloin
1 glass Nobilo Sauvignon Blanc

So I mixed up today's dinner from mostly yesterday leftovers, but meat from day before yesterday for a little variety. I figure this is an ok mix since I just switched meat for meat. Does that sound right to you fellow Sonomaer(s)?

Cheers to tomorrow,

1 comment:

  1. Plain yogurt is the way to go! Barfalicious is the chemically mess that is flavored yogurt.

    I think you're fine on the meat switch. Remember, another way to follow the diet is by using ratios.

    Congrats on the new decade!
